Bouquet of roses 12 or 24


Diversion Lanzarote has teamed us with the leading Lanzarote flower delivery service to make our range of Lanzarote gifts even better. Nothing says it better than roses and our Lanzarote flower experts have the perfect delivered roses for you in 12 or 24 to really make a statement. Order now and your Lanzarote flowers will be delivered next day or at a date you want. We can even do same day if it is urgent but you do need to contact us first.

Please note the price increase on roses is due to our florist being unable to source roses and having to import from Ecuador.

Product Total: €80.00
Estimated delivery between 01/04/2025 - 02/04/2025


  • 12 or 24 red roses
  • Includes free delivery in Lanzarote
  • Sent by Lanzarote flower delivery experts
  • Add you own special message
  • Next day delivery (Same day sometimes available pleasecontact us to confirm)
  • Contact our personal shopper now